
Wednesday 12 September 2012

That holiday feeling

Morning all.

I have a lot I need to write about. I just need to sit down. My morning began with the usual self timer wake up at 7am (irrelevant to what time I fell to sleep). I do love mornings though so can hardly complain. Garlic breath kicks in after last nights tapas, I stumble to the bathroom - I'm sure you all have that first morning pee? I check out the scales and frown over post dinner food baby weigh in.

Tea tea tea. I guess black syrup isn't on the menu since the bag shakes grainy like a salt shaker tinkles. I brew four teaspoons of black leaves in my tea pot and enter the lounge to pull the blinds up. The sun is shining and the sky is a blanket blue. I am on holiday.

I've never been a holiday person, never because as a kid growing up we just didn't have the money. Now i'm left to my own devices (heaven) I can pick and choose what I want to do with myself. I suppose this is my biggest flaw. I am hard on myself, and after hearing that from a friend yesterday it became clear to me how many ridiculous thought processes I suffer before making that simple decision- even if it's over making a cup of tea. Holiday is meant to be for relaxing. I suppose staying in the city, well I really feel like I need a good break away from this hustle. Tomorrow that will happen where I shall take off to see my family in Dorset and I'll begin to switch off... (I HAVE to switch off), but isn't that the point- I should be able to switch off now, I need to work on improving on this because the rest of the world surely isn't going to switch off from me.

Today's process. 'I want tea, I want to write and chill and read blogs, but what is the time, hmmm will I drink this tea and then eat, but I'm really not hungry, but I want to run hopefully before I meet fuzzy and I don't think I'll have time this afternoon, before tonight's plans, and I should probably eat something before I run, but I have a food baby and physically I feel like a sausage... ok I'll sit down and drink this tea and then decide because I'm still puffy eyed and don't know if I'll have a post drinking headache again today. Damn it I need to stop drinking. OOoo urghh stupid BBC article on flowers and Diana.'

Welcome to my world... welcome?...

Holidays are about picking and choosing what you want to do in order to have a good time, at your leisure, to enjoy. Remind me why I'm being such a back and forth moron about it?!

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